ok, first off ill explain the ipchat cause that's prolly what most of the people downloaded this example for. the IP chat is a very basic IP chat that only allows 2 people; the person hosting and the person connecting to the host. its pretty easy to make a multi-user chat. you can either goto all the trouble of using like 239582398 dsSocket controls, or you can do it the easy way and create control-arrays and use index's to seperate each. (its what i did on chat.net)
the next thing in the example is the port blocker. this is a very basic example, it will log the remote user trying to log on to you. it only monitors one port at a time though. it is very easy to change that and make it a real firewall by just using arrays like i did in fusion PC firewall.
there is also a Finger example included in this. its buggy so it may need some adjusting. its got the basics of what ya need to make one though. it should work, i haven't tested it though.
i made a WhoIs example in this also. its pretty buggy also. im not quite sure what the WhoIs server address/name is so i used whois.internic.net if that dont work, try somethin else.
ok, and finally, the SMTP mailer. this is kinda buggy. i coded it really really quickly so im not positive on how well it works. it sends mail to anyone from anyone. that's basically it. with the examples in here, you could very very very easily make a remote administration client like Back Orifice and be "famous" ...... hehe.
ok, i hope these files help you out a bit in your quest of network programming. have fun and be elite. never be lame. dont pretend you made my examples please. dont be a lamer. if someone wants help with networking, send them the examples or tell them where to get them please. dont think you're elite cause you made an IPchat. you had to use my examples to make that so just keep that in mind you "3r33t0" "h4ck3r"